CPL - Common python library

CPL is a development platform for python server applications
using Python.

## Table of Contents
  1. Features
  2. Getting Started
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact
## Features - Expandle - Application base - Standardized application classes - Application object builder - Application extension classes - Startup classes - Startup extension classes - Configuration - Configure via object mapped JSON - Console argument handling - Console class for in and output - Banner - Spinner - Options (menu) - Table - Write - Write_at - Write_line - Write_line_at - Dependency injection - Service lifetimes: singleton, scoped and transient - Providing of application environment - Environment (development, staging, testing, production) - Appname - Customer - Hostname - Runtime directory - Working directory - Logging - Standardized logger - Log-level (FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG & TRACE) - Mail handling - Send mails - Pipe classes - Convert input - Utils - Credential manager - Encryption via BASE64 - PIP wrapper class based on subprocess - Run pip commands - String converter to different variants - to_lower_case - to_camel_case - ... ## Getting Started [Get started with CPL][quickstart]. ### Prerequisites - Install [python] which includes [Pip installs packages][pip] ### Installation Install the CPL package ```sh pip install sh_cpl --extra-index-url https://pip.sh-edraft.de ``` Install the CPL CLI ```sh pip install sh_cpl-cli --extra-index-url https://pip.sh-edraft.de ``` Create workspace: ```sh cpl new ``` Run the application: ```sh cd cpl start ``` ## Roadmap See the [open issues](https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib/issues) for a list of proposed features (and known issues). ## Contributing ### Contributing Guidelines Read through our [contributing guidelines][contributing] to learn about our submission process, coding rules and more. ### Want to Help? Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines for [contributing][contributing]. ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE] for more information. ## Contact Sven Heidemann - sven.heidemann@sh-edraft.de Project link: [https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib](https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib) [pip_url]: https://pip.sh-edraft.de [python]: https://www.python.org/ [pip]: https://pypi.org/project/pip/ [project]: https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib [quickstart]: https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib/wiki/quickstart [contributing]: https://git.sh-edraft.de/sh-edraft.de/sh_common_py_lib/wiki/contributing [license]: LICENSE