

class cpl.configuration.configuration.Configuration

Bases: cpl.configuration.configuration_abc.ConfigurationABC

add_configuration(key_type: Union[str, type], value: cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC)

Add configuration object

key_type: Union[str, type]

Type of the value

value: cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC

Object of the value

add_console_argument(argument: cpl.configuration.console_argument.ConsoleArgument)

Adds console argument to known console arguments

argument: cpl.configuration.console_argument.ConsoleArgument

Specifies the console argument

add_console_arguments(error: Optional[bool] = None)

Reads the console arguments

error: bool

Defines is invalid argument error will be shown or not

add_environment_variables(prefix: str)

Reads the environment variables

prefix: str

Prefix of the variables

add_json_file(name: str, optional: Optional[bool] = None, output: bool = True, path: Optional[str] = None)

Reads and saves settings from given json file

name: str

Name of the file

optional: str

Specifies whether an error should occur if the file was not found

output: bool

Specifies whether an output should take place

path: str

Path in which the file should be stored

property additional_arguments
property argument_error_function
property environment
get_configuration(search_type: Union[str, Type[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]])Union[str, collections.abc.Callable[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]]

Returns value from configuration by given type

search_type: Union[str, Type[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]]

Type to search for


class cpl.configuration.configuration_abc.ConfigurationABC

Bases: abc.ABC

abstract add_configuration(key_type: Union[str, type], value: cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC)

Add configuration object

key_type: Union[str, type]

Type of the value

value: cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC

Object of the value

abstract add_console_argument(argument: cpl.configuration.console_argument.ConsoleArgument)

Adds console argument to known console arguments

argument: cpl.configuration.console_argument.ConsoleArgument

Specifies the console argument

abstract add_console_arguments(error: Optional[bool] = None)

Reads the console arguments

error: bool

Defines is invalid argument error will be shown or not

abstract add_environment_variables(prefix: str)

Reads the environment variables

prefix: str

Prefix of the variables

abstract add_json_file(name: str, optional: Optional[bool] = None, output: bool = True, path: Optional[str] = None)

Reads and saves settings from given json file

name: str

Name of the file

optional: str

Specifies whether an error should occur if the file was not found

output: bool

Specifies whether an output should take place

path: str

Path in which the file should be stored

abstract property additional_arguments
abstract property argument_error_function
abstract property environment
abstract get_configuration(search_type: Union[str, Type[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]])Union[str, collections.abc.Callable[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]]

Returns value from configuration by given type

search_type: Union[str, Type[cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC]]

Type to search for


class cpl.configuration.configuration_model_abc.ConfigurationModelABC

Bases: abc.ABC

abstract from_dict(settings: dict)

Converts attributes to dict

settings: dict


class cpl.configuration.configuration_variable_name_enum.ConfigurationVariableNameEnum(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

customer = 'CUSTOMER'
environment = 'ENVIRONMENT'
name = 'NAME'
static to_list()


class cpl.configuration.console_argument.ConsoleArgument(token: str, name: str, aliases: list, value_token: str, is_value_token_optional: Optional[bool] = None, console_arguments: Optional[list] = None)

Bases: object

property aliases
property console_arguments
property is_value_token_optional
property name
property token
property value_token