import os import time from contextlib import suppress import psutil as psutil from import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer from cpl.console.console import Console from cpl.environment.application_environment_abc import ApplicationEnvironmentABC from cpl_cli.configuration.build_settings import BuildSettings from cpl_cli.configuration.project_settings import ProjectSettings from cpl_cli.live_server.live_server_thread import LiveServerThread class LiveServerService(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, env: ApplicationEnvironmentABC, project_settings: ProjectSettings, build_settings: BuildSettings): """ Service for the live development server :param env: :param project_settings: :param build_settings: """ FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self) self._env = env self._project_settings = project_settings self._build_settings = build_settings self._src_dir = os.path.join(self._env.working_directory, self._build_settings.source_path) self._ls_thread = None self._observer = None self._args: list[str] = [] def _start_observer(self): """ Starts the file changes observer :return: """ self._observer = Observer() self._observer.schedule(self, path=self._src_dir, recursive=True) self._observer.start() def _restart(self): """ Restarts the CPL project :return: """ for proc in psutil.process_iter(): with suppress(Exception): if proc.cmdline() == self._ls_thread.command: proc.kill() Console.write_line('Restart\n') while self._ls_thread.is_alive(): time.sleep(1) self._start() def on_modified(self, event): """ Triggers when source file is modified :param event: :return: """ if event.is_directory: return None # Event is modified, you can process it now if str(event.src_path).endswith('.py'): self._observer.stop() self._restart() def _start(self): self._start_observer() self._ls_thread = LiveServerThread( self._project_settings.python_executable, self._src_dir, self._args, self._env, self._build_settings ) self._ls_thread.start() self._ls_thread.join() Console.close() def start(self, args: list[str]): """ Starts the CPL live development server :param args: :return: """ if self._build_settings.main == '': Console.error('Project has no entry point.') return self._args = args Console.write_line('** CPL live development server is running **') self._start()